Kamis, 29 Januari 2009

爱拼才会赢 (Ai Piah Cia Eh Yia)

If you were born around the 70-80s, I believe you've heard this song hundreds or even thousand times.Heard it at some relative's wedding party, family's gathering, local karaoke competition, or overheard it when your father sang it while taking a shower.
AiPiaCiaEYa doubtlessly is the most popular Hokiannese song in the world. When I was in China, several of my Chinese friends who don't speak Hokiennese know this song and remember the lyrics quite well (it is like a Javanese person who remembers the lyrics of some Sundanese song when he himself doesn't speak Sundanese).
I think it was so amazingly popular in Indonesia for reasons, I believe one of those is the powerful lyrics. Below is my attempt to translate them. But you must pardon the mistakes (if there is any), since I don't understand Hokianesse either. I translated them from the Chinese characters which I believe have the almost same meaning as the Hokianesse characters (the characters have different meanings but are spelled differently).
By understanding the meaning of the lyrics, I hope that by now you could understand better the reason this song has been sung millions times by Hokianesse speakers all over the world. The reason why some people sing it with a face expression that somehow make him looks like he just went back from the biggest battle of his life, and he survived.

Yeah, hopefully the next time you heard the song, you might be able to put more emotion in hearing it.

Ai pia cia e ya
Note: lyrics is read as you read Indonesian.

一时失志 不免怨叹
Chi shisi ci e mian huan dan
At a time when we lose, our ego would naturally blame.

一时落 魄不免胆寒
Chi si lo bie e mian dan han
At a time when we falldown, our soul would naturally be terrified

那通失去希望 每日醉茫茫
Na tang sit gi hii bang, mui lit zui bang bang
The memory of going through days of losing hopes and getting drunk

Mbo hun wu dei qing qiu tiu jao lang
My body is without a soul just like a scarecrow

Yin shing ko pi si hai siong e po long
But life really is just like the tide of the sea

Wu si gii wu si luo
They rise and fall by turn

Ho un pai un
Goodluck, Badluck

Cong ma ciao gi kang lai kia
Really, you just have to wake up and get to work, do it.

三分天注定 七分靠打拼
Sa hun ti cut tia, jit hun ko ba pia
Thirty percent is Heaven's will, Seventy percent is hard work

Ai pia cia e ya
To win, you have to give your all.

Selasa, 20 Januari 2009

The phenomenon of Human flesh search engine

The Chinese Internet Users have popularized many unusual Internet related behaviors, among them is The phenomenon of Human flesh search engine. From what I know it more or less means: Using the Internet particularly to find out (track down) someone's more detail information (such as name and job) that is previously unknown publicly usually with a purpose of justify (humiliate) that particular person. The Human flesh search engine is usually started if that particular person arouses the angers (or maybe other kind of emotion) of the Chinese Internet Users.
This Human flesh search engine have succeeded many times, among them they found the notorious Iphone girl, a corrupted government official who smoked a thousand dollar / pack cigarette (later that person was forced to quit his position), a perverted government official who almost raped a little girl. and many more.
This phenomenon is soon prohibited in China though.

More information about the Human flesh search engine

Rabu, 14 Januari 2009

Stefanie Sun Yan Zi - Yu Jian

Testing test pertama

Judul: 遇见 (Yujian = bertemu)

Salah satu lagu Stephanie SunYanZi yang paling terkenal (Stephanie SunYanZi adalah penyanyi asal singapore yang ngetop sekali di negara negara berbahasa Mandarin (China, Taiwan, HK, dll). Keterangan lebih lanjut: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sun_Yan_Zi)

Lagu ini merupakan soundtrack dari film Hongkong yang cukup berseni dan menarik dan berjudul Turn Left Turn Right (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turn_Left_Turn_Right). Film tersebut dibuat berdasarkan sebuah graphic novel karangan kartunis terkenal Taiwan bernama Jimmy Liao (ini websitenya: http://www.jimmyspa.com/en/) yang sempat meledak terkenal dan dicetak ulang berkali kali di negara negara berbahasa Mandarin (China, Taiwan, HK, dll).

Artikel Time mengenai film tersebut:

Sebuah blog posting mengenai graphic novel tersebut:

Lirik Lagu:

遇见 (Yujian = bertemu)

Tingjian dongtian de likai
terdengar bunyi usainya musim dingin

Wo zai mounian mouyue xing guo lai
dalam tahun apa dan bulan apakah aku terbangun

Wo xiang wo deng wo qidai
ku bayangkan, ku tunggu, ku harap harapkan

Weilai que bu neng yinci anpai
yang akan datang ta bisa diatur seperti itu


Yingtian pangwan che chuang wai
sore yang penuh awan, di luar jendela mobil sana

Wei lai you yi ge ren zai dengdai
di yang akan datang ada seseorang yang sedang menunggu

Xiang zou xiang you xiang qian kan
kiri, kanan, kumenghadap depan

Ai yao kuai ji ge wan cai lai
cinta, harus belok berapa putaran baru datang

Wo yujian shui hui you zen yang de duibai
ku harus bertemu siapa agar bisa ada perlakuan yang seperti itu

Wo deng de ren da zai duo yuan de weilai
orang yang kutunggu tunggu, dia ada di masa depan yang sejauh apa?

Wo tingjian feng lai zi ditie he renhai
ku dengar angin datang dari kereta bawah tanah dan lautan manusia

Wo paizhedui na zhe ai de hao ma pai
ku mengantri mengambil nomor urutan cinta

repeat reff*

Wo wang qian fei fei guo yi pian shijian hai
ku terbang ke depan, terbang melewati lautan waktu

Wo men ye ceng zai aiqing li shou shanghai
kita juga pernah dalam cinta terlukai

Wo kanzhe lu meng de rukou you dian zai
ku lihat pintu masuk mimpi sedikit sempit

Wo yujian ni shi zhui meili de yiwai
bertemu denganmu adalah ketakterdugaan yang terindah

Zong you yitian wo de midi hui jiekai
pasti akan datang hari ketika misteriku terpecahkan

Catatan penerjamah: sori kalo ada yang salah / kurang tepat.
Kabul Wawa Tanumihardjo